
Let's Join our Wedding Celebration together!

Aca & Bayu

Aca & Bayu

Save the date! Cause' We're getting married

Aca & Bayu

We’re getting hitched! And we’d be delighted if you could join our virtual wedding!


Tasha Levitia Asmawati Ashari

Putri Ketiga dari

Bpk. (Alm) Ashari Mannawi


Ida Hafidah Abidin, S.H.



Anindhito Bayu Sanjaya

Putra Ketiga dari

Bpk Drs. Subekti Santoso, M.M


Ibu Dra. Aan Laksmiani

Wedding Wishes

Sedang Memuat Komentar..


With the health and safety of our loved ones in mind, we have decided to downsize attendance at our wedding. Please accept our deepest apologies for not being able to have you with us on our special day. We will miss your presence and thank you for your love and support. ❤️

Live Streaming

Live Wedding Schedule

14.00 - Akad Nikah

Live Wedding

Please kindly watch through bridegroom's Youtube channel to see the Marriage Ceremony on Live Stream

Thank You for watching our Marriage Ceremony on Live!

Thank You